So the boat was ours! A day was decided by Katja and I to sail her from Tyresö to Stockholm. We, as yet, had no permanent mooring for her, but were prepared to try a few marinas until we found a safe home. And I was eager to move her closer to home and work in order to take advantage of the summer evenings.
As I mentioned Katja was not a seasoned sailor: one trip from Vaxholm in the Folkboat, and one drift on Dobra. The trip from Vaxholm should have been enough to put anyone of sailing. One reef down ( there being only one on a folkboat) on a late autumn day, wishing I had a few more reefs and wondering about my sanity in sailing at all. But Folkboats are strong and safe, and Katja in blissful ignorance slept and chatted the whole way. The hour in Dobra when we decided to but the boat hardly being sailing.
My first day on a new boat, still learning the rig ( more of which later) and I subject my long suffering wife to a steep learning curve - and my insecurity! The boat and our relationship survived the day...But because of weather we only got half way. Leaving the boat in Saltsjöbaden, and taking the train home.
The next day I took a friend, Oscar, and we brought her to Stockholm. During these days I noticed she was taking in a fair amount of water...Due to the uncommonly dry weather, and lack of use, her top-sides had dried to the point that daylight was clearly visible....That'll take some work this winter!
She became a pleasure to sail in the late summer evenings, and as one of my guests has stated " a lot cheaper than a shrink!"
One of the pleasures of sailing her are the admirers. Many have heard of Ljungström, and his boats, and love to talk about her - either in harbour, or as many have done, on the water.
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